Monday, June 14, 2010

A Sweet Reno Surprise

As some of you may know, Jon and I just came back from Reno, NV. We visited my Mom's 4 sisters and their families. It was a very special weekend too: my Auntie got married! It's always a wonderful time when I'm with my cousins. We had a get-together on our last night in Reno and they surprised Jon with a cake:

OK, they spelled his name wrong. But it's the thought that counts, right? My Uncle Joe gave a little speech about our family and my cousin Angela had a speech for Jon, welcoming him as she presented him with the cake.

This was the BEST Tiramisu cake I ever had in my life. And every time I look at this picture, I think about how lucky I am to marry Jon. And how very thankful I am to have such a great, supportive and welcoming family. They absolutely love him and he loves them too! For this reason, I know the planning process will be a great one. For sure, we'll stress out over a few things... but the idea of having the family all together again is something to look forward to.

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